I Have Kept Many Efforts to Learn it Know These Are my Fav Programming Langauges and One is DataBase Querry Language
One of my Favourite Language i used for making Mechine learning Models, Web Applications And I used this language for compitative Programming
JavaScript It is my most Favourite Language i used for web Manuplation like Fetching Data in Given Url and Making New UI I have done many Assingments given By NxtWave CCBP Academy On Dynamic web Development
I had Done many applications with Mongobd but i like sqlite because It have a perfect query excuting performence it is a RDBMS structural Quarry Language
This is a Academy Where I have Learnt a lot on frontend as well as backend. I have done good no.of Assingments in this Academy this imporved my skill on frontend designs by practicing many frontend coding Assingments